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The Art of Living (with Impermanence) | Adrian Tans | TEDxHartlandHill

Adrian Tans, a Vermont artist and children's librarian, takes us on an intimate journey of loss and  ...View More

The Curatorial Practice of Living | Shanta Lee | TEDxHartlandHill

Poet and academic Shanta Lee, leads us through a journey of discovery, using her own story to demons ...View More

When the Reporter Becomes His Story | Mike Sugerman | TEDxHartlandHill

Award-winning feature reporter Mike Sugerman has always been apt at revealing his subjects, humanizi ...View More

Sound Journey to Arctic Siberia | Snow Raven | TEDxHartlandHill

With all the authenticity and uniqueness that is SNOW RAVEN - SUOR, she share with our TEDx audience ...View More

Vermont: What is the Value of Hardship? | Rocket - | TEDxHartlandHill

Rocket has crisscrossed Vermont exploring the resilient and innovative nature of those who call the  ...View More

Body Neutrality is So Much More Than Neutral | Bon Allen | TEDxHartlandHill

Body Neutrality is the next step in the quest to identify with our bodies. Whether it's hauling a sl ...View More

Save the World. Watch a Movie (…Made by a Woman) | Rachel Feldman | TEDxHartlandHill

In 1980 women directed only 1% of the top grossing domestic films. Thirty years later in 2010, that  ...View More

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